Sunday, August 20, 2017

Galaxy Anime Trading Cards and More

The banner above was made for me by my son some 20 years ago for my site "Galaxy Anime Trading Cards". I had started collecting Sailormoon cards and eventually discovered there were other, also interesting, anime series...and manga. A new hobby!
So, here I am, twenty years later, still pursuing this hobby, which has most definitely morphed into something much bigger. ;)

The purpose of this site now is to, I hope, provide a resource for aficionados of anime trading cards (and more). In the 20+ years since I started with a few Sailormoon sticker cards I have begun collections that include trading cards, shitajiki, lami / idol cards, bookmarks, postcards, etc. 
One of the people with whom I traded cards likened the amassing of these wonderful pieces of cardboard to an addiction. I heartily concur.

Most of my collectibles are authentic, but when I started, what was easily available were sticker cards. They aren't licenced, but I do like them. And as the collecting bug expanded I found some other unlicenced items, namely Moonsoldiers cards. They are still among my favourite cards.
I have scanned quite a bit of my collection and here I will put up scans and add what I know about them. And if I can inform those new to this world, so much the better.

I have collectibles from a number of anime series – definitely older ones – but my favourite and most numerous are from Sailormoon, created by Naoko Takeuchi. 
Some of the items I've collected are:

So, please enter my world of addiction, uh, collecting. It has been enormously satisfying!

NOTE: Banner was made by my son several years ago; I don't own the Sailormoon images, but the banner is mine.
Sailor Moon is created by Naoko Takeuchi ® 1992 TOEI ANIMATION, LTD., Japan. Kodansha Animation